Showing posts with label discrimination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discrimination. Show all posts


Cultural Respect & Discrimination

The International Herald Tribune site has published a thought-provoking article on the role of women in Iran and their achievements. The author, Roger Cohen, has travelled recently to the country and had a privileged look on the revolutionary part many women are playing there.

He tells of the piteous moments he witnessed:

...a slender woman clutching her stomach outside Tehran University after the blow; a tall woman gesticulating to the men behind her to advance on the shiny-shirted Basij militia; women shedding tears of distilled indignation; and that young woman who screamed, “We are all so angry. Will they kill us all?”

Many of us Western girls know prejudice, scorn and even hostility, but few know it to that extent. Many of us fear walking in certain parts of town, not always really dangerous ones, nourishing mostly imaginary fears of attack and robbery. All of us know how annoying and disgusting it feels to be called names on the street just because we are women, but in such parts of the world, women face much harder challenges than that.

Let's all of us, both men and women, when we hear of such accounts reconsider the ordeals we face daily, and even if our lives are as hard as theirs, value the counterbalances we have, which they don't.

It's so easy to claim that our problems are worse than everybody else's, despite the (relative) freedom, knowledge, joy and support we have. Though regarding their problems in all their seriousness doesn't end ours, it should give us strength and solace to know that there are others carrying their burdens, not wasting time with defeating thoughts.

This closing remark in Cohen's article is sobering:

I asked one woman about her fears. She said sometimes she imagines an earthquake in Tehran. She dashes out but forgets her hijab. She stands in the ruins, hair loose and paralyzed, awaiting her punishment. And she looked at me wide-eyed as if to say: do you understand, does the world understand our desperation?

A hijab is just a piece of clothing, but such a deep meaning it has. Just as clothes can express all the character of the one who wears them, they can also tag the wearers with all the shame, guilt and humiliation society intends for them. It has been so from the loincloth of slaves to the Star of David stitched on the sleeves of Jews during the Holocaust era.

It's all too easy for us in our advanced countries disregard what it must feel like to be hived off like that, when we are used to expressing our wildest dreams (and nightmares) in our daily wear, and trivial as it is, such freedom shouldn't be taken for granted.

Some of the comments are as challeging as the article itself. For instance, this one by Tom Wonacott:

But your commentary is heresy to multiculturalists - and offensive to Muslims, Mr. Cohen. Multiculturalists teach us that one culture is not better than another, just different (cultural relativism). Multiculturalism celebrates and teaches respect for all cultures - even those cultures traditionally criticized because of their poor human rights record - like Iran.

Judging what is moral in another culture is “unfair” since we must judge the culture by our standards of morality. For example, gender discrimination is not tolerated in our society, but inequality of the sexes is the norm in most Islamic states or within the caste system in parts of India, thus gender bias is culturally sensitive. Thus, you are an insensitive, cultural supremacist, Mr. Cohen. Keep up the good work…

Yes, we must give respect as we like to receive it, but according to Tom, there's no common truth, no common sense at all. And if each can bend truth according to their whims, then there's no right or wrong, or so such a shallow concept would lead us to believe. But there's one seemingly insignificant fact that proves that, at least in this matter, cultural respect is not lacking on those who condemn the hijab, and all such discriminatory clothes: There are local women rebelling against it, and everything it embodies.

Yes, there's a great number of women who are resigned to it in Iran and all the other countries that keep such customs, but the amount of women who show their displeasure is considerable, not taking into account all those who fear expressing their resentment. And they don't do that because they are influenced by some Hollywood movie in which women wear miniskirts, but because that is clearly offensive.

The very act of wearing such clothes in the intemperate heat of those countries is unhealthy. I wonder if any of those men who agree to its use, including Tom, would put up with wearing that under a torrid 40°C sun!

As for the gender discrimination, does culture excuse people to discriminate against others for difference in gender, sexual preference, culture, race, nationality, religion, disability or any other form this many-headed monster has taken? Can any of us give some evidence of being inherently better than anybody else? And if we're all equal in nature, such disparaging attitude isn't supposed to be fought? Well, one can always choose to ignore reality...

This other comment, by seattlesh, sums up any argument we can use to counter such simplistic ideas:

Yes, there are those in every nation that... understand the desperation. Ask any person of color, any gay or lesbian or working mother here in the US. Ask a union worker who has fought for a shred of dignity and recognition for his or her accomplishments and contributions to their employer after being outsourced and cast aside.

Ask one of the millions of people who live in fear because they lack basic health care. Ask the university student and their parents about the staggering student loan debt that they enter the adult world with. Ask the returning disabled veteran unable to obtain proper physical and psychological care. The fight never stops. There is always someone to demonize or try to control by those drunk on power and their sense of entitlement.

The Iranian women will prevail. Iranian society and the power elite cannot eradicate their knowledge that they have gained through higher education. The information age brought on by computers and the internet is an unstoppable train. As we all know from Sir Francis Bacon's famous quote, "Knowledge is power".


Racism Rears Its Ugly Head

Recession has been haunting the world again, and just as in the past, the weak elements of our society are freaking out and throwing the blame on those they fear or can't understand.

A few minutes browsing the internet brought news of the latest displays of racism, hatred and pettiness from those who obstinate in thinking themselves better than others, entitled to hurl their discontent at them.

Here is some of these news:

Romanians fleeing racism seek sanctuary in Belfast church hall - Western Europe has become a dangerzone for immigrants, and last Tuesday several Romanian families, with small children, had to take refuge in a church to escape the attackers... It seems they are also neo-nazis, which comes as no surprise, as this is just the sort of thing they've always done. Their distorted notion of self-importance is pathetic... May the authorities really do something about it, as they've promised.

Above the negative part of the news, one detail that stands out is the stance of the Irish who had the decency of helping those families. One of them declared: "It is a sad indictment of our society, but hopefully we can show them a different side to Northern Ireland and a caring side to Northern Ireland."

At Tomasky talk: Race and Republicans, Guardian's American Editor, Michael Tomasky talks about the Republicans and their biased jokes on African-Americans in the background, while under the spotlight, they try to look convincing as open-minded people who want to "reach out to people of color" in the US. *sigh* How long will we have to stand this kind of thing?

Tomasky comments: "to reach out to people of color, you actually have to meet some first, and if you meet some, you'll learn that these things actually aren't that funny." Is it really so hard to imagine what is like to be in someone else's shoes, and learn to respect and accept differences? Some people seem to think so...

Then, on not-so-new news, we have the following links, telling of similar racist and social attacks on the other side of the planet:

Curry Bashings - Attacks against Indian students in Australia.

The article reports that: "According to A.F.P., there have been 70 attacks against Indian students in Melbourne in the last year alone – in addition to attacks in Sydney – prompting Indian students to hold demonstrations against the violence."

Eta - A pejorative term, from Japan’s feudal era, used to refer to burakumin – the country’s “untouchable” class.

Thanks to Google Maps, the regions that had been inhabited with such "untouchables" (those who did jobs associated with death, such as working with leather, butchering animals and digging graves) can be found in an old map that has been made available, which has called worldwide attention to a shameful kind of social discrimination.

According to the article, "Japan’s caste system was abolished almost 150 years ago but... human rights advocates claim that descendants of Japan’s burakumin – some 3 million people – still suffer prejudice. It is not uncommon for potential employers, or parents-in-law, to hire agencies to check for buraku ancestry."

Well, if you think that there's war only in the Near East and Africa, think again. I didn't mean the violence that plagues the streets of our cities, but the war that's being fought in our schools, workplaces, neighborhoods, homes and inside ourselves.

With all this darkness around and inside us, what should we do about it? Hide? Kill ourselves? Perhaps shrug and ignore it all like so many sheep? Go out in the streets and preach at the top of our lungs?

Nothing of that changes anything, but if we start by realizing the misconceptions we nourish on our minds, and question them, look into things to see what they actually are, then we may change something. Then we may be ready to start spreading better ideas, instead of age-old mistakes, and hope, instead of despair.

JRR Tolkien, genius that he was, left some inspiring quotes, and among them, there's this one that is part of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, which in Cate Blanchet's voice sounds quite impressive:

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

*yes, that means you too!*