Showing posts with label sarel theron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarel theron. Show all posts


Highlight: Sarel Theron & Matte Painting

Sarel Theron is an amazing South African illustrator, who creates matte painting for commercials and movies, and concept art for book covers and a graphic novel. He has experience with oils and acrylics, but has specialized in digital art and has authored several tutorials for the CG Magazine, Advanced Photoshop Magazine, among others. He has recently received the Exposé 7 Master Award for matte painting and an Excellence award in the Transportation category.

Sarel Theron has been greatly influence by the Luminist and the Hudson River schools. He said about digital art: "I love the way it allows for the seamless integration of elements such as photographs and 3D CG models into a painting, something that is just not possible in any of the traditional mediums.

"For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of being an artist is when I persist with a painting I’m really struggling with, and through sheer dogged determination, turn it into something I’m really pleased with." [1]

In case you have no idea what matte painting is, it is a representation of a landscape, set, or some location that would be impossible or too expensive to built and is used in film making. Some of the most popular examples of its usage are the old Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Wizard of Oz movies, among others. Matte painting was created by applying oil paint on a large sheet of glass.

Here is some of Sarel Theron's amazing artworks. Check his site for more.

Source: Sarel Theron Making of Neokathmandu Matte Painting